We have 60 Color Guard members and that does NOT include the Director/Head Coach, Assistant Coaches, and/or parent volunteers/chaperones. It is so important that our team members receive good, healthy meals during camps and competitions. If you are interested in providing food (healthy snacks for competitions or meals for camps), please let us know! Parents can notify JennyLynn Meek via Facebook - If you are not affiliated with us via Facebook, you can contact skyridgecolorguard@gmail.com for more information.

With 60 Color Guard members we are required to ensure that we have a certain ratio of parents-to-guard members when we travel. We always appreciate extra eyes and ears when traveling. If you are interested in chaperoning, please let us know! Parents can notify JennyLynn Meek via Facebook. If you are not affiliated with us via Facebook, you can contact skyridgecolorguard@gmail.com for more information.

Loading & Unloading
Not only do we have 60 Color Guard members, but each Color Guard member has a costume bag and an equipment bag. In addition to these items, each team has performance props and other equipment that is hauled to and from each competition. Parents can volunteer to help load and unload props and equipment at each competition. If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know! Parents can notify JennyLynn Meek or Jay Gifford via Facebook - If you are not affiliated with us via Facebook, you can contact skyridgecolorguard@gmail.com for more information.