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What grade levels are allowed to participate in Color Guard?During Marching Band competitions we have one Color Guard team comprised of 9th-12th graders. During Winter Guard, we have three teams; a varsity, junior varsity, and junior. Winter guard team members are comprised of 6th-12th graders.
How much does Color Guard Cost?Costs vary by season and competition schedule. The initial costs for new guard members are slightly higher because new guard members are required to purchase equipment bags.
Do I have to travel with the team to and from competitions and events?Yes. This is mandatory and non-negotiable. It is also important to note that guard members will not be permitted to arrive late or leave early from any competition.
Will I be required to purchase my own equipment?No. All equipment (flags, rifles, and sabers) will be purchased and owned by the school. If you ruin or lose school provided equipment you will be responsible for replacement. You are more than welcome to purchase your own equipment at your own expense, but it is not a requirement for participation.
What are the attendance requirements?It is VERY important that you are at EVERY rehearsal. During the summer we do our best to accommodate all schedules if they are approved in advance. Once school starts, ALL absences MUST be approved/excused in advance. If you are absent during the week of a competition, for any reason, you will not be scheduled to perform at the upcoming competition. More than THREE unexcused absences are grounds for dismissal from the program.
What are the academic requirements to participate?Students must be in good standing with a minimum of a 2.0 GPA.
What is the required practice attire?ALWAYS wear something you can dance in...which means, NO JEANS! Please avoid short shorts and low-cut tops. Dance shoes are encouraged or you may go barefoot. NO flip-flops. During the school year we will require "practice black" for rehearsals, this means SOLID black dance clothing.
Where does the team rehearse?Rehearsals will always occur in the Skyridge West Gym for Varsity and JV. Junior team rehearsal locations may vary depending on location availability. Locations will be determined and communicated within 24 hours of the practice day and time and changes to this expectation are at the discretion of the Director/Head Coach.
How do I become a team captain?Color Guard members who are interested in becoming a captain will complete an audition process. The process includes a captain application, five teacher evaluation forms, two letters of recommendation, a short essay about why you want to be a captain, assist in teaching during team auditions, and interview with the Director/Head Coach, Assistant Coaches, and other team captains.
What is the time commitment for Color Guard?It is not possible to provide an exact number of hours associated with practice schedules, camps, and competitions. However, you should expect to practice no less than three times per week for a minimum of five hours. Camp and competition hours will vary. However, you should expect a minimum of three consecutive camp days at eight hours and full-day competition schedules - some competitions are 12-13 hour days (with varying travel times). Please note that the Skyridge Color Guard is a very competitive team and we expect to be one of the top color guard teams in the state of Utah. A team competing at this level takes a great deal of work and dedication; please take this into consideration if you are considering participation.
What are the social media restrictions?All members are required to show respect to their fellow teammates, other school teams, directors, teachers, administrators, adults, and students. This includes ALL comments, photos, and videos posted to Instgram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Memebers who write derogatory comments or post inappropriate photos or content on these or any other form of social media (including texting) will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the team. It is also important to note that the Director and coaching staff who are employed by the school district are NOT permitted to accept social media friend requests from students.
Will we be required to purchase team apparel?New team members will be required to purchase team warm-ups, duffle bag, flag bag, and shoes for performances. Guard members who work with weapons will be required to purchase tan gloves. Other miscellaneous items include make-up, secret spinner gifts, hair accessories, and appropriate under clothing for costumes.
Will we have fundraisers?Over the course of the year we will over a few fundraising opportunities. Some fundraisers will go directly towards the costs associated with your color guard fees and other fundraisers will go directly into the Color Guard account. These fundraisers are mandatory for all members. The funds raised help to cover the costs associated with the program that are NOT covered by the fees.
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