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  1. 1.1.2 Students - Grades 4-6: Intermediate grade students may take educational field trips to points of interest within a 90-mile radius from the central office in American Fork. In addition, they may participate in regularly scheduled summer or winter school activities at the district’s outdoor environmental camps.

  2. 1.1.3 Students - Junior High School: Junior high school students may take educational field trips to any point of educational interest within the state of Utah.

  3. 1.1.4 Students - Senior High School: Senior high school students are permitted to travel, for educational field trips, to any point in the State of Utah.


  1. 2.4 Parents are to complete the Parent Consent for Student Participation form prior to departure. These completed forms are to be in possession of the supervising educator during the trip. They should be kept on file at the school at the end of the trip for at least six months.

  2. 2.5 Provision is made for a substitute teacher to replace the teacher in charge of the traveling group in the event the principal cannot make other suitable arrangements. This applies only to trips requiring Board approval.

  3. 2.6 There must be at least one adult supervisor for every ten students. Supervisors must be the same gender as the students they supervise (reference Student Travel Policy #5150 1.5).


  1. 3.1 Extended travel must be grounded in educationally oriented activities. Excursions may include, at the maximum, a day of non-educationally oriented activity.

  2. 3.2 Athletic competition based upon a tournament structure with a regional or national scope shall be considered by the School Board on the same basis as an educational activity.

    1. 3.2.1 Athletic competition involving a "home and home" arrangement or a single game outside of Utah shall not be approved by the School Board.

  3. 3.3 Generally, the Board of Education shall not approve extended excursions at the junior high school level. In no case shall the Board of Education approve an extended excursion at the elementary level.


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